Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Surrogacy SOURCE- Special Announcement

Over the past few weeks the professional fertility community has been shaken by the revelation of the actions of a couple of surrogacy agencies, i.e. SurroGenesis and B Coming. Since then The Surrogacy SOURCE has been assessing the reported facts of these situations as they are unfolding with both anger and disdain for the alleged perpetrators, and sorrow for those who have been affected by this tragic situation.

Infertility and the subsequent journey to a baby can be one of the most emotionally and financially formidable challenges that couples and individuals will undergo. The fact that the irresponsible actions of a few may now make the decision to pursue surrogacy as an option for hopeful parents even more stressful and clouded in uncertainty is yet another tragedy created by this shocking series of events.

The vast majority of surrogacy agencies are led by dedicated, experienced professionals devoted to helping couples and individuals realize their dreams of a family, and most of them have useful and informative websites. However, Internet presence alone can be deceptive, and should never be relied on entirely when making a decision of such significance. Before choosing an agency, ask questions. Ask your IVF physician, or consult a support organization such as Resolve or The American Fertility Association. Also, there are questions that can be asked to help assess the professional caliber and standards of an agency's organization. Any reputable agency should be entirely comfortable with the following questions:

  1. Has your agency ever been sued by a client, surrogate, donor or employee?

  2. What escrow company does the agency use?
    The Surrogacy SOURCE uses Allison McCloskey Escrow. Allison McCloskey has been in business since 1945, and is bonded and insured up to $5 Million.

  3. What is the surrogacy agency's escrow process?
    The escrow process begins with the signing of escrow instructions by the clients (Intended Parents) and The Surrogacy SOURCE (TSS) staff, and the initial deposit is put into the escrow account. All surrogate fees and bills are paid from this account. Any requests for funds from this account will require two signatures from authorized escrow officials & TSS staff, and will be paid directly by the escrow company to each corresponding invoice. After all bills and fees related to the Surrogacy agreement have been paid, any refund due is issued to the client (Intended Parents) and the escrow account is closed.

  4. What is the ownership of the company?
    The Donor SOURCE International (including The Surrogacy SOURCE) is owned by a collection of individuals, including some high reputation fertility physicians. The company is managed by Specialized Medical Management, whose president, Steve Masler, acts as the company's CEO. Mr. Masler is a CPA, has been connected with the fertility field for over 20 years, and has been CEO of Genesis Network for Reproductive Health and one of the founders of the Practice Managers professional group of ASRM.


Anonymous said...

Most states have legislation covering who can run escrow companies and maintin an online list of registered escrow companies. Alas it seems some surrogacy agents (including the one that referred us to Michael charles IFA who took $28K from us) do not bother to check the credentials of their recommended escrow company or anyone else they refer you to,

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely sickening what Michael Charles Co. did!